Who Might Myofunctional Therapy Benefit?

Who Might Myofunctional Therapy Benefit?

Some of the risk factors indicating you might be able to benefit from this approach include those on the following list (please note this is not an all-inclusive listing). Interestingly, if you consume a high-sugar diet, the myofunctional therapy treatment is not going to be as effective because of your ability to focus and have strong muscles. So, if you decide to enter into a coaching relationship with a myofunctional therapist, please be sure to pay careful attention to your diet as well, as this could have a huge impact on your results.


Orthodontic Relapse Bottle Feeding Developmental delays, such as low muscle tone Long Face syndrome
Speech problems Allergies Frequent headaches TMJ problems
Thumb sucking Bloating due to air swallowing Food texture sensitivities Neck pain
Nail or lip biting or other oral habits Frequent choking, gagging or trouble swallowing Mild to Moderate Sleep Apnea Snoring